Life's a dream

There once was this lady, she wasn't the prettiest, but she had some attractions. She was fairly short, had mid wavy hair and had dark hazel eyes. She was a very strong lady in a way. She had a man like posture. She stayed to her self, but wad a friendly young lady. She didn't mind who or what her friends were. She loved nature, all birds and tress and had a deep spiritual connection. Everyday she takes a walk in the wood. The path she was every day is close to the other kingdom, but she didn't mind it. One day while she was on her path, a knight had caught a glance of her before leave there own kingdom. He was very interested in what she maybe doing, so he followed her. She never noticed the Knight behind her but as he was following her he notice the beauty in her. He knew since that day he wanted to make her his wife. He hurried back to the kingdom before she was to return. He made sure he put his best armor on and got the best most beautiful horse out the kingdom to ride. He was a tall brave warrior. He wasn't so attractive but he was noble and graceful. He wanted her hand in marriage and as she approached their own kingdom he was there awaiting on her. He got off his horse and asked her hand in marriage, she quickly decline not only because she hardly knew the Knight but that she wanted someone different. She wanted the young priest. He was a very handsome young man, he was also a passionate and righteous person. He was a ladies man but a faithful husband. He stayed to his self mostly after the taken of his wife. She was taken in the gruesome war between the two kingdoms. The priest was fairly rich but was always humble, but for his wife he was will to pay any cost to find her. When every search party came back he was sad to see there was no progress and as time with by he assumed they killed her. The young lady knew she couldn't have the priest, not only because he was married but he was from the other kingdom. But a lady can always dream. As she lived her everyday life, the Knight was determined to marry her. Day after day she declined him. She didn't want to give him a chance and he was willing to give her any and everything that she could ever want. She stayed selfish and didn't want him. One day she was walking to close to the other kingdom and the priest notice her while gazing out his window. He noticed how the Knight was on her tail and was bothering her. The priest didn't want to get in between that, so he left it be. The next day he noticed she was walking to close again but this time the Knight wasn't with her. So he went for a walk behind her. She quickly noticed him and was overwhelmed and filled with a little fear. The priest slowly caught up to her cause he knew she noticed him. Once he caught up to her, he politely spoke and said
The lady turned to the side startled not noticing that he was so close so quick. The priest laughed a little and said,
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you there." She responded
"Oh, no worries, just not use to seeing you around these parts"
"Yeah, I thought I'd try a new path today" said the priest.
You could tell she was nervous, almost as if it was all unreal to her. As the priest walked her close to her kingdom he was reminded of his wife. He liked the young lady but he loved his wife and the kingdom made him wonder once more. But as he got to spend more and more time with the lady, he slowly got a haze in his mind for his wife. Some days he would being the girl all kinds of gifts and flowers, and all that stuff did was make her fall more in love with him. As she spent so much time with the priest the Knight really just disappeared out her life, but he was only watching from a distances. She was willing to give the priest anything for to be his wife. But little did she know, one special day while walking to her kingdom he was going to ask her hand in marriage. The Knight knew this and set a trap. He released the wife and made her seem as a town folk. While walking towards the kingdom he stop the lady, but once he stopped her he notice a woman that he thought looked similar to his wife. All he saw was her long curly hair but he wasn't sure if it was her or not. Once he saw that he was hesitant to what he was about to do so he picked a flower and put it in her hair then took her home. Since that day he was hesitant with her in all, cause he had a feeling that she was still alive. The young lady started to realize how he was acting distanced and she started questioning him. He stayed quiet and in his thoughts though, he didn't want to talk about what he saw or what he though, but it stayed on his mind. The lady was determined, because she thought she had everything in the world with him. One day before their walk, she was at his front door step. He was in shock and lost of words. She threw her self on him though. She started kissing him and it was so much passion and heat in the room. He lost all thoughts of his wife and fell victim. Before he knew they was having sex and once it was all over he felt guilty and in sin. He didn't tell her that though, he spared her feelings and walked her home. The priest didn't feel pure anymore and he honestly though about his wife the whole walk back. As they approach the kingdom he was really just looking. Once she finally made it home they said there byes. Little did the lady knew, that was the last she was gone hear from him. Once the door closed, he saw her again, but this time he said his wife name and she turned. He couldn't believe his eyes, he teared up while she ran to his arms. The Knight saw all of this in side the bushes and knocked on the lady window so she could see them. They both was over filled with happiness, and the young lady felt so hurt. After that day they went back to there own kingdom and the priest was never seen by her ever again. The knight was to happy that he priest fell for his trap. He knew it was gone happen and he did it all to teach the young lady a lesson. She was so heart broken cause she really felt as if she could fill the wife shoes. The Knight did feel bad for her but he want to to have pitty for her no more. Over a year ago he was willing to give her the one thing she desired, and that was love. The priest only gave her lust and regrets. He had regrets too, he didn't live so happily ever after that. He soon told his wife what happened that day and how he thought she was dead, but nothing could hide the fact that he still did what he had done. Years of depression went for the young lady. The priest, over the years found peasant happiness with his wife and started a family. As for the Knight, he became king and found him his beloved queen.


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