Blog post assignment #4

Chapter 3
1. What is symbolic about going through the back door?
They treated blacks bad, and never really treat them equal to white. 

2. What does Miss Emma ask Mr. Henri to do?
For Grant to teach Jefferson how to be a man, and not to be seen as a hog. 

3. Who is Inez?
She was the one who replaced Miss Emma in Henri Pichot kitchen.

4. What problem did Henri Pinchot have from Grant? 
The problems that he had from Grant was that he never want to see him come through the back door again and that Grant didn't even answer his question. 

Chapter 4
1. How many people live in Bayonne? Blacks and Whites?
About six thousand people lived in Bayonne and around 3,500 were white while there was on 2,500 blacks. 

2. Who is Vivian Baptiste?
Vivian Baptiste is a teacher at the Plantation church. She is the girl that Grant loves even though she is still married to someone else, she love him as well.

3. Why can't Grant marry Vivian?
Grant can't marry Vivian at the moment, because as they are talking and in a serious relationship she is married to someone else and the divorce papers are not final yet.

4. Explain why Grant is so upset about the task his aunt had asked him to do?
Grant is so upset because she asked him to teach Jefferson how to be a man before he dies and he doesn't even feel like he knows how man post to be while living. 


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