What is my dream

        My dream, as of now is to make it to a good college and study in music. I don't really know what I want to major in within music, but I do believe I want to help others open their minds up to singing. What makes this my dream is that I was one of those people who never really had an open mind towards singing. One day when I tried out for Ben C. Rain choir, and I realized that people have more potential than what they think. Not everyone is blessed with a talent and most who have one doesn't even know it. I want to help those just like my choir director helped me. My mother always told me that I can be anything as long that I set my mind to it, so why not do something with music.

      With me doing music, there's a lot I can look into. I want to push more towards a choir director because I love how it works. I love controlling the sound of the music and who should be loud and who shouldn't. I never really can see myself as the teacher, but at the same time, I do see myself giving others the opportunity to go to the next level with it. Singing is something I love, something I'm good at. not to many people can bring me down when I'm doing. A lot of people always told me that a career is doing something you love. It's really my dream to help those like I've been helped once before. 


  1. Music is a great field to go into; you will be great! Good job!


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