
Showing posts from February, 2017

Letter to Advice Column

Dear Advice Column,        My name is Grant Wiggins. I am a teacher in Louisiana, and I have been given the task to teach something I don't know that well myself. My aunt has asked me to turn this man from what the courthouse would call a "hog" into a man. Yeah, I could teach him some things, but it's not that simple. Every time I try to sit him down and have a talk with him, he either doesn't respond or say it doesn't matter. He only acts this way, because that's what they call and treats him. Advice column, can you please help me and tell me what I have to do with this situation?

Blog post assignment #4

Chapter 3 1. What is symbolic about going through the back door? They treated blacks bad, and never really treat them equal to white.  2. What does Miss Emma ask Mr. Henri to do? For Grant to teach Jefferson how to be a man, and not to be seen as a hog.  3. Who is Inez? She was the one who replaced Miss Emma in Henri Pichot kitchen. 4. What problem did Henri Pinchot have from Grant?  The problems that he had from Grant was that he never want to see him come through the back door again and that Grant didn't even answer his question.  Chapter 4 1. How many people live in Bayonne? Blacks and Whites? About six thousand people lived in Bayonne and around 3,500 were white while there was on 2,500 blacks.  2. Who is Vivian Baptiste? Vivian Baptiste is a teacher at the Plantation church. She is the girl that Grant loves even though she is still married to someone else, she love him as well. 3. Why can't Grant marry Vivian? Grant can't marry Vivi

Blog post assignment #3

A Lesson Before Dying: Chapter 3 Questions 1.How does Henry Pichot's insistence that Jefferson "did it" redirect the plot narrative?        He insistence that Jefferson "did it" to help support his opinion on how Grant shouldn't be able to visit Jefferson and also he believes that Jefferson "did it" and that he should also suffer the consequences. 2.   Miss Emma keeps saying that Grant "doesn't have to go" to visit Jefferson in prison. The narrator comments, "She was looking at me but not seeing me, and not meaning what she was saying either." What is Grant implying by this, and what does he think she means?         By saying that Grant nearly meant that Miss Emma knew that he didn't want to go but she was not very accepting of the fact. She said " doesn't have to go" just to make Grant feel bad. 3.  What does the back door of Henri Pichot's plantation house symbolize to Grant and his aunt? Why